Knee replacement or arthroplasty is a knee replacement procedure in which the patient’s damaged joint is completely replaced. One of the most common causes for patients to have knee replacement surgery is severe knee pain due to injury, accident, chronic illness, or wear and tear on the knee joint, which is itself caused by many factors such as the location of the knee pain. It may depend on the back of the knee, below the knee, the patella, or the age of the person, because knee wear is usually directly related to aging.
This surgery is performed when the discomfort caused by stress and arthritis of the knee can not be controlled with non-surgical treatment and severely affects the patient’s quality of life.
The function of these artificial joints is natural and they usually have a long life depending on the conditions and how they are used. However, if a joint becomes overloaded during life due to overweight, strenuous physical exercise, etc., it will break, dislocate or separate.
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You should be able to stop using your crutches or walking frame and resume normal leisure activities 6 weeks after surgery. However, it may take up to 3 months for pain and swelling to settle down. It can take up to a year for any leg swelling to disappear.
After your surgery, avoid stools, sofas, soft chairs, rocking chairs, and chairs that are too low. When getting up from a chair, slide toward the edge of the chair, and use the arms of the chair, your walker, or crutches for support to get up
General pain may occur for up to several weeks following a total knee replacement. Swelling typically lasts for 2 to 3 weeks after surgery, but may persist for as long as 3 to 6 months. Bruising may last for 1 to 2 weeks following surgery.
Before you consider surgery, your doctor will usually encourage you to try various non-surgical treatments. These may include:
physical therapy
weight loss (if appropriate)
anti-inflammatory medication
steroid injections
hyaluronic (gel) injections
alternative treatments such as acupuncture
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