Typically, spinal surgery is chosen as an option after a period of non-surgical treatment (such as medication, physiotherapy, injections, and exercise). Deciding on spine surgery depends largely on your symptoms (for example, the amount of pain, the ability to perform daily activities), the urgency of the surgery, and its complications.
For some types of pain, less invasive surgical techniques are options for rapid pain relief. For other types of pain, surgery is not appropriate and it is often recommended that you follow a few conservative options before surgery.
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Spinal fusion surgery is a procedure connects two vertebrae so that there will no longer be any movement between the vertebrae. Your Torrance spine surgeon (neurosurgeon) will make an incision either in your abdomen or in your back to gain access to the spine, shifting tissues out of the way as needed. The facet joints articulating vertebrae to be immobilized are taken out. Rods, screws, or pieces of grafted bone are then attached to the vertebrae to hold them rigidly in position.
Up to 80 percent of all spinal fusion surgery patients report satisfaction with the success of the procedure. Studies of post-operative patients indicated that patients enjoyed, on average, a 60 to 70 percent reduction in their symptoms.
Like any major surgery, spinal fusion surgery carries certain risks. These include infection, a failed fusion of the vertebrae, nerve damage, blood loss, and the normal risks associated with general anesthesia. There is also the chance that the surgery may not relieve your symptoms.
Full recovery from a spinal fusion surgery may take up to a year. Generally, however, you should be able to return to your everyday routine within 4 to 6 months. You’ll spend the first few days of recovery in the hospital. After 4 to 6 weeks, your Torrance spine surgeon will put you on a physical therapy routine to optimize your remaining recovery time, and to help ensure that you regain strength, comfort, and function.
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