An abnormal accumulation of cells in the brain is called a brain tumor. The skull which surrounds the brain is very strong. Any growth in such a limited space will lead to problems. The tumor may be cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous (benign). As the benign or malignant tumor grows, the intracranial pressure increases. In this case, the brain is damaged, which is fatal.
An abnormal accumulation of cells in the brain is called a brain tumor. The skull which surrounds the brain is very strong. Any growth in such a limited space will lead to problems. The tumor may be cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous (benign). As the benign or malignant tumor grows, the intracranial pressure increases. In this case, the brain is damaged, which is fatal.
Brain tumors are divided into primary and secondary categories. The origin of the primary tumor is in the brain. Many primary brain tumors are benign. A secondary brain tumor, also known as a metastatic brain tumor, occurs when cancer cells from another organ, such as the lungs or breast, spread to the brain.
• Brain cells
• A membrane around the brain called the meninges
•nerve cells
The primary tumor may be benign or malignant. The most common type of brain tumor in adults is glioma and meningioma.
To diagnose a brain tumor, a physical examination is performed first and your medical history is examined.
Physical examination includes a thorough neurological examination. Your doctor will do a test to find out if your cranial nerve is healthy. These nerves are located in the brain.
Your doctor will examine your eye with an eye exam that shines light into the pupil and into the retina. This device allows the doctor to monitor the pupil’s response to light. He can also look directly into the eye and examine for any inflammation in the optic nerve. As the pressure in the skull increases, changes occur in the optic nerve.
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Primary brain tumors are categorized in one of two ways: benign and malignant. The less aggressive type of brain tumor is called benign. These tumors grow slowly and typically have clear borders that do not invade surrounding tissue. Benign tumors can disrupt proper brain function by growing to a size where they are pressing on surrounding tissues. The other category is malignant brain tumors. Malignant brain tumors grow more rapidly, have uneven borders, and invade surrounding tissue.
Symptoms depend on where the tumor is located and how quickly it’s growing. For example, the tumor may affect fine motor skills (like the ability to hold a pencil), sensory skills or speech if it’s compressing the parts of the brain that control those functions.
What are the first signs of a brain tumor?
Headaches, which may be severe and worsen with activity or in the early morning.
Seizures. People may experience different types of seizures. Certain drugs can help prevent or control them.
Personality or memory changes.
Nausea or vomiting.
Sleep problems.
Memory problems.
Some people may complete recovery in a few weeks or months, others will have to learn to adjust to permanent changes in their life such as not being able to work or accomplish all the same tasks they did before.
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